Sunday, April 14, 2013

37 Weeks Madness

So I meant to write this post on Tuesday (my official weekly upgrade;) But better late than never.
I had my weekly NST scheduled. The prior week NST appt my fluid count was 9.1cm and it was recommended to make sure I was drinking plenty of water but my count was above 8cm so they were satisfied. Now fast forward to Tuesdays appt. They do a fluid check/pocket count at the beginning and than the rest of the appt time is focused on baby's heartbeat. The fluid check came back at 5.1 which cause alarm to the Nurse who had me continue with my appt but before I left I was to wait for the Dr to recheck and hopefully the baby had a chance to move and provide a view of hidden pocket(s). Once the Dr came in and rechecked he was able to find 5.6cm of fluid pockets and at that pointed decided that since I was 'full term' that I should be induced that day and head straight to Labor and Delivery. I was in shock, to say the least. I had fully prepared myself to go 41-42 weeks just like with my first born, but had not even thought of this. And as terrible as it was to admit I just wanted to leave, I didn't have anyone to pick up Shane from school. Cell phone service inside a hospital is a joke and to think that was the option the Dr had for me in regards to arranging matters for my oldest child. The Dr went on the explain how he assumed my placenta was breaking down and that the best decision was an induction that day.
As I frantically made calls and texts for arrangements for Shane, called Nick to let him know that he should leave work on the advice of the the Dr and panicked about my damn (non-packed) hospital bag I headed to L&D. There was some slight confusion as to my being there. I was under the impression that the Dr had already contacted L&D so I was trying to explain what happened and the recommendation to the Nurses. A midwife appeared who had just gotten off the phone with the Dr who had made the induction call so she had them put me in a room where I was going to be monitored and hydrated. Nick showed up in a panic. Apparently the poor guy did quite a few (3) laps around a level in the parking garage before he noticed he was passing the same people and not moving up a level. Poor guy but we definitely had a good laugh about that one which helped so much with the anxiety of the situation! He is also a pro at finding L&D!
We hung out for about 2 hours while I was hooked up to a few machines to monitor my contractions that I was not even noticing, the baby's hb as well as my bp. The midwife came in to check on the pesky fluid pockets. She found 5.9cm and felt that was fine considering how full the baby's bladder was. She noted how thick and beautiful her umbilical cord was along with how gorgeous my placenta was! She was really selling that placenta! It was quite entertaining. We also were reconfirmed that this little one was absolutely a girl. And after all that we were discharged. The midwife was not to pleased with the Dr and his orders so she asked if she could contact him and I was fine with that and would continue with my scheduled appts on Monday.
Not to long after we left the hospital we received a phone call from L&D and it was the Midwife who had spoken with the Dr who was not happy that they had sent me home and a compromise had been made for me to come back Thursday morning for a fluid check.
Oh boy! Wednesday I did my best to sip water all day while packing my hospital bag and getting a few more things settled.
Thursday came and my fluids were up just a smidgen from 48 hours prior and I was allowed to leave again but with instructions that I would be coming back on Monday for my scheduled appts for an NST as well as my appt with my OB and I was to schedule an induction for 39 weeks as he did not want me going longer than that.
So here we sit. I feel like a ticking time bomb. A time bomb that doesn't even know if she is dilated lol

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