Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Miss Olivia Blake

I was admitted into L&D on Monday, April 15 2013, at 37 weeks 6 days due to a low AFI count with concerns that my placenta was not functioning the way it should.

I was sent into triage first where they would place a foley balloon catheter to induce labor. At this point I was 1.5cm dilated. My Aunt Chrissy (surprise ha ha) showed up and waited with me until the Dr was ready to have me in a delivery room.
Once I was placed in my room (#8) and my Aunt had left, one of my close friends Rani who also happens to be expecting, stopped by for a visit with her precious twins since she was at the hospital for one of her appts as well.

While I was visiting with Rani, Nick arrived with ALL of our bags. Apparently quite heavy. Poor guy.
There was a lot of waiting around at this point. Waiting to see if the balloon would fall out on its own (8cm dilated). Waiting until 11:00pm (12 hours) if it didn't. I was having steady contractions but the were completely manageable. So much so I was able to joke around with everyone. Shane dropped by for a visit, his Aunties cut him out of school early lucky kid. But had to leave for music class around 2pm. Waiting. Walking. Swaying. Waiting. Rocking. Walking...

At 11:30pm they removed the balloon and did a cervix check. 4-5cm dilated. Thank goodness. There was A. Lot. Of pressure with the foley in place. 180cc of saline will do that to a cervix.
They started me on pitocin at 12am along with an antibiotic (which I received 4 doses by the time I delivered) via I.V. which burned like a mother might I add.
I labored on through the night. Daddy rested.
By 6am I had lost my mucus plug and the contractions were strong and on top of each other. My goal was to labor (pain) med-free until at least 6cm and/or my water broke. It was becoming more difficult to relax and keep my body loose through these contractions now. I woke up Nick and had him use all his strength to push on my lower back against each contraction. I had a new goal now. Wait until the new shift rotation of Dr's at 7.
At 7, because I am passionate about my goals, I called for my Nurse Marcella and let her know that I would like an epi. The Anesthesiologist was in my room in minutes, which I was so surprised that she was able to come since I never saw one with Shane because he was born before they arrived.
I received my epi and moments later my water broke! And when the Dr came in and did a cervical check I was at a 6. Which cracked me up.
At this point the Dr's were concerned with baby's heartbeat and that my contractions were not showing much strength via external monitors. They recommended internal. This moment was very difficult for me. Internally monitoring my contractions was not an issue. But monitoring the baby was. I was so upset that my sweet baby was going to and had something on her scalp that she could feel pain already not even being born. It killed me, even as I write this now. Nick spent his time reassuring me that this was best since the baby's heart rate kept dipping and know the Dr's could see clearly that her rate was good and strong. My poor baby.
Eventually I was able to rest for a few hours, up until that point I had been up since Monday at 12:30am unable to sleep. I wanted to have my wits about me to push this baby out. And not in hours.
They checked me at 1pm and I was fully dilated and the baby was ready to go, with lots of hair added the midwife who also mentioned from the baby's heart rate that she enjoyed having her head scratched!
Not feeling the urge to push, I just wasn't ready at that point.
At 2:15pm my Nurse and Midwife started setting up my room for delivery which included a mirror for motivation. We did a few practice pushes to see how close her head was. She definitely has hair! My contractions at this point had slowed down to 5 minutes apart.
At 2:40pm the Dr scrubbed in and it was go time. Throughout this whole affair my Nurse, Nick and myself would joke around, laugh and hold conversations between pushes. After hours of contractions 2 minutes apart, 5 minutes seemed like an eternity. I was able to do 3 pushes per contraction. So 15 minutes later, or 9 pushes, our little girl was born. And a dark haired beauty she was.
At 2:55pm Olivia Blake made her debut. The Dr immediately put her on my chest with an apgar of 8/9.

Her birth was the most relaxed, peaceful and amazing experience. It was invigorating being in control of my thoughts as well as of myself. It was so peaceful having only Nick by my side, it enabled us to bond deeper and love stronger. He was an amazing support, I couldn't have asked for a better partner or Daddy for my children.

My Nurse was kind enough to grab my phone to take a picture of Nick cutting the cord but we didn't get half the pictures we had planned on, being so caught up in living in those precious moments.

And since Miss O was kind enough to be born before big brother was out of school he got to see/meet her as soon as he got out!

The last 24 hours were a huge blur with visits from Dr's, Midwives, Nurses, Lactation Consultants, a Photographer, filling out birth certificate information and a celebration lunch.

We were fortunate enough to break out... get discharged the following day before Shane was out of school for that day and Nick surprised him by picking him up from music class!!

Tuesday's Child is full of Grace.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Leading up to her arrival...

When planning for the arrival of my second born I envisioned millions of photos and had the camera and light all charged and happy. We had discussed buying a larger memory card as well as a remote. We were serious.
Than I went in for my schedule NST at 37 weeks 6 days. Originally they were scheduled starting at 32 weeks to monitor the baby and my gestational hypertension. But at our 37 week 0 day NST my AFI count dipped to just about 5cm from the previous week of 9.9cm, so the Dr in charge put in requests for an induction that day, insisting that I get a hold of Nick and arrange pick up for Shane who was in school at the time. I freaked. Nothing packed at home. Total anxiety attack about who would pick my first baby up from school. Would he know their car by sight. Would he freak out I wasn't there.
Upset and crying I headed on over to Labor & Delivery. Nick was on his way and a girlfriend was going to get Shane.
Once in L&D they put me in a delivery room for monitoring, since all their triage rooms were taken. Nick had joined me at this time and we waited, hooked to machines, for a few hours. They wanted me to be fully hydrated so I was drinking water like crazy. A midwife who had spoken to the Dr came in to do an ultrasound on the baby, reconfirming that she was in fact a little girl! A few more pockets of fluid were found, the Midwife commented on how thick and healthy my placenta looked as well as how nice and fat her cord was. It was determined that I could be discharged as she felt there was enough fluid at this time but to continue drinking plenty of water.
Nick and I headed out to lunch at this time where I received a phone call from the Midwife stating that she had spoken to the Dr again and he was not happy I had left and they had come to a compromise that I would return in two days for another AFI count.
At this additional appt the Dr was happy that the count hadn't  changed much. Baby had a full bladder and pockets combining 5.9cm.
The following Monday, 37 weeks 6 days, I had my normal NST as well as my 38 week appt with my OB. I made sure my bags were packed, nails polished and legs shaved so they were sure to let me leave this time! But my AFI count had now dropped below 5 and my OB came in to check for himself. It was decided that today we would induce. For real, for real.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weekly Menu Planning

Well things have been a little busy with the baby coming earlier than expected. I had actually planned to make some freezer meals this week for her impending arrival. BUT she is amazing and so incredibly easy that I will still get around to making those meals as well as sharing the results in the next few weeks. But for now the Menu goes as follows.

Saturday - Hot Dogs and fries (from last week we didn't make)
Sunday - Baked potato with shredded BBQ chicken and asparagus
Monday - Chili and cornbread
Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans
Thursday - Hoagie sandwiches, fruit salad (Pineapple, strawberries and kiwi) and potato salad
Friday - Leftovers

And I am super proud of my boys for this weeks menu. They headed out this afternoon to go to Shane's basketball game and after headed to the grocery store for the first EVER (in our family) boys only trip to the grocery store. They went up and down every aisle looking for the items listed (I did my best to keep them in an order and section them out). And they even found a little old lady that helped them learn how to pick the perfect pineapple.
I only received one phone call in regards to an item that they just couldn't find so together we decided on a suitable replacement!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekly Menu Planning

Sunday - Tortellini with Peas and Prosciutto (per Nick's request)

Monday - Crepes with Chicken and Asparagus

Tuesday - Oven BBQ Chicken topped with apples, bacon, horseradish and cheese served with Veggies

Wednesday - Left Over Buffet

Thursday - Baked Potatoes and Turkey Chili

Friday - Hot Dogs (per Shaner's request)

Saturday - Surprise!!

Mini Maternity Session

Since we are running out of time (for me to wait for this belly to REALLY expand) Nick and I headed out Friday morning for a little morning date with camera in tow.
We stopped at a park before heading out to a little cafe for breakfast.
*for the record Nick isn't happy with his edits (which he never is) so the final drafts may look a little different to no one else but him. And he HATES my pink sweater, it throws his colors off apparently. He cracks me up.

37 Weeks Madness

So I meant to write this post on Tuesday (my official weekly upgrade;) But better late than never.
I had my weekly NST scheduled. The prior week NST appt my fluid count was 9.1cm and it was recommended to make sure I was drinking plenty of water but my count was above 8cm so they were satisfied. Now fast forward to Tuesdays appt. They do a fluid check/pocket count at the beginning and than the rest of the appt time is focused on baby's heartbeat. The fluid check came back at 5.1 which cause alarm to the Nurse who had me continue with my appt but before I left I was to wait for the Dr to recheck and hopefully the baby had a chance to move and provide a view of hidden pocket(s). Once the Dr came in and rechecked he was able to find 5.6cm of fluid pockets and at that pointed decided that since I was 'full term' that I should be induced that day and head straight to Labor and Delivery. I was in shock, to say the least. I had fully prepared myself to go 41-42 weeks just like with my first born, but had not even thought of this. And as terrible as it was to admit I just wanted to leave, I didn't have anyone to pick up Shane from school. Cell phone service inside a hospital is a joke and to think that was the option the Dr had for me in regards to arranging matters for my oldest child. The Dr went on the explain how he assumed my placenta was breaking down and that the best decision was an induction that day.
As I frantically made calls and texts for arrangements for Shane, called Nick to let him know that he should leave work on the advice of the the Dr and panicked about my damn (non-packed) hospital bag I headed to L&D. There was some slight confusion as to my being there. I was under the impression that the Dr had already contacted L&D so I was trying to explain what happened and the recommendation to the Nurses. A midwife appeared who had just gotten off the phone with the Dr who had made the induction call so she had them put me in a room where I was going to be monitored and hydrated. Nick showed up in a panic. Apparently the poor guy did quite a few (3) laps around a level in the parking garage before he noticed he was passing the same people and not moving up a level. Poor guy but we definitely had a good laugh about that one which helped so much with the anxiety of the situation! He is also a pro at finding L&D!
We hung out for about 2 hours while I was hooked up to a few machines to monitor my contractions that I was not even noticing, the baby's hb as well as my bp. The midwife came in to check on the pesky fluid pockets. She found 5.9cm and felt that was fine considering how full the baby's bladder was. She noted how thick and beautiful her umbilical cord was along with how gorgeous my placenta was! She was really selling that placenta! It was quite entertaining. We also were reconfirmed that this little one was absolutely a girl. And after all that we were discharged. The midwife was not to pleased with the Dr and his orders so she asked if she could contact him and I was fine with that and would continue with my scheduled appts on Monday.
Not to long after we left the hospital we received a phone call from L&D and it was the Midwife who had spoken with the Dr who was not happy that they had sent me home and a compromise had been made for me to come back Thursday morning for a fluid check.
Oh boy! Wednesday I did my best to sip water all day while packing my hospital bag and getting a few more things settled.
Thursday came and my fluids were up just a smidgen from 48 hours prior and I was allowed to leave again but with instructions that I would be coming back on Monday for my scheduled appts for an NST as well as my appt with my OB and I was to schedule an induction for 39 weeks as he did not want me going longer than that.
So here we sit. I feel like a ticking time bomb. A time bomb that doesn't even know if she is dilated lol

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekly Menu Planning

*This weeks menu planning was highly centered around ingredients that we already had in the freezer and pantry. 

Sunday - Chicken Apple Sausages (with peppers, onions and apples with butter and brown sugar) over pasta. The boys LOVE this one and its so fast and simple.

Monday - Warm Spinach Salad with bacon and hardboiled egg served with warm rolls.

Tuesday - Turkey Tacos

Wednesday - (homemade) Chicken Tenders, sweet potato fries and apple sauce.

Thursday - Leftovers

Friday - Black Bean Quesadillas with cheese, salsa. Guac and sour cream on the side.

Saturday - Waffles with pieces of bacon inside with fruit.

36 Week Update

Pregnancy: 36 weeks. Maternity leave has started as well as the final week of Spring Break. I had high hopes to do many activities outside of the house for this week but the weather was not what it had been the week before. But we did manage to squeeze in a few bike rides/dog walks and movie nights. Shane had a sleepover at he BFF's next door and came home at 2am with the WORST rash. We battled with it for over 48 hours with Benadryl and a call in to our Dr just to make sure I wasn't missing something. It has been determined that he should stay far, far away from Wool. Turns out the boys grabbed some old blankets to lay around on and Shane was the lucky one to pick up, and completely wrap himself in, the wool one.

Weight Gain: 10lbs 3oz. Somehow my weight went down a little this week. I feel like I do nothing but snack. all. day.

Sleep: Still not finding much sleep at night but with not having to go into work I am able to relinquish the guilt of napping, or at least going back to bed after Nick goes to work.
Gender: Baby Girl

Name: ;)

Feelings: Anxiety has really hit me this week. I have moments when I feel short of breath or that my heart is racing and I do my best just to set my mind to peaceful and take deep cleansing breathes. I am really interesting in baby led weaning BUT I keep getting images of the baby will choking while someone is watching her. It's amazing being a Mommy and having fears so far down the road that they stop you in your tracks 6 months prior.  

Health: Well I saw an NP at 34 weeks who claimed to have spoken to the Dr in charge of NST's and they decided that I no longer needed to be monitored. But when I saw my OB at my 36 week visit he was a little ticked that the NP chose to make that decision and override him. So I am back on to weekly NST's. On a side note the NP did not speak to the Dr in charge of NST's but to another associate who is unfamiliar with my Hx. I was also tested for GBS and found out via lab reports that I am a carrier, so anitbiotics for me before little one is born. This is all so very different from when I was pregnant with Shane. No NST's and much high BP. No GBS testing, so in turn no antibiotics before delivery.

Movement: This poor child and her hiccups. I keep reminding myself that they don't bother her but I do sometimes wish she could catch a break. The last few mornings I have had so much hip and lower back discomfort that the only thing I can do is try to get comfortable in bed and take a nap. When I wake the discomfort is gone so that I am grateful for.

Belly: I do believe I bumped into quite a few people at Shane's last Basketball game with my Belly, but I did say excuse me!

Nursery: The only thing I have left to do is sew her valance, crib skirt and changer covers. I already have the fabric but was waiting for Shane to be back in school since it is a little time and concentration consuming. I also plan on painting her bedroom door since that was replaced with a new one but I never got around to painting it.

Next Appt: April 9th for NST, April 15th 38wk appt and NST

Family News: Shane is going back to school from break but will no longer have to go to any before/after school programs which he is excited about more play time at home with his friends. He has a Language Arts class before school a few days a week and Music class after school a couple days as well. And I have an appt at the Spa for a facial and prenatal massage which I am so excited for the pampering and relaxation!!!


Friday, April 5, 2013

Final Day of Spring Break!

Well the final day of Spring Break is upon us. Back to the grind, although a more relaxed grind with this Mommy being on Maternity Leave, on Monday.

Originally planning to spend the day a little more active, the rain clouds slowed us down and and brought us indoors for some couch/carpet time.
I woke up bright and early and headed out with my weekly shopping list! What a nice change to go at 8am!! I am not a fan of Walmart but they were the ones who had a special ingredient for the cookies I was planning for Shane and I to make later that day. I wouldn't have believed that I could be in and out in under 30 minutes, front row parking AND no wait in line at checkout!!! I might have to repeat that in the future!
In addition to grocery shopping I stopped by our mailbox and picked up the Aden and Anais Hello Kitty merch. I ordered just days before. Which is already washed and put away of course!
So back to those COOKIES!!! I have always struggled to find and make that "perfect cookie" They look gorgeous out of the oven BUT after they cool they sink... Completely falling flat. So when a photo popped up on my instagram feed accompanied by a recipe claiming to have found the cure I jumped at the chance to make this with my big guy! Not to mention mini M&M's and Shane are like a match made in heaven.

Let me just say that this cookie was all that it claimed to be! Crunchy around the edges, soft in the middle and never fell flat. Shane had the honors of trying the first cookie and he loved the crunch and there wasn't a bite without chocolate oozing out. Im not entirely sure how many the Daddy of the house had but his multiple trips to the kitchen made this recipe a keeper in my book. Hop on over to the Picky Palate and try out this fun cookie recipe for yourself. I can't wait to try more of her concoctions in the future!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2am wake up!

Last night... Or actually early this morning was interesting. Shane was spending the night next door at his friends house, which has happened many, many times.
I woke up with a start to Charlotte barking like crazy in our room and the first thing that came to my mind in this sleepy state was "I swear I cleaned the kitchen, what could she be upset about?" Because it is whole heartedly believed that my Grandmothers' Spirit comes back when my house is a mess, I swear it's the only time Char throws a barking fit in the middle of the night. So I told Char to calm down and tried to settle back into sleep.
Then there was banging on our front door... Shit.
Hoping it was somehow Shane but not entirely positive that it wasn't some random stranger Nick got up and peeked through our bedroom window that has ZERO few of the front porch. Lame. Well after a few more bangs, Nick telling me not to get up and him finding the essentials for 2am door opening. I hear a bunch of apologies and Nick telling whomever it is that it is fine and not to worry.
Well it turns out it was Shane and our Neighbor bringing him home because he seemed to have some sort of allergic reaction to something at her house. The only thing that anyone could think of was he was curled up in a wool blanket.
I looked him over and he was COVERED in a rash/hives. Poor guy. He was so itchy. I had him take a shower just incase it was something that was still irritating his skin and then rubbed him down with some cortaid creme and got him settled in bed. Of course there was no Benadryl in our cabinet!
So this morning when I checked on him thankfully his legs were back to normal, they were one giant rash hours prior. But now it was all over his belly, back and under his chin. Good Lord.
So we threw on some clothes and headed out to the store to grab some Benadryl which thankfully kicked whatever this reaction was in the bud!
And surprisingly enough with a little help from zoning out to the television he didn't seem to get much of the hyper effect he generally gets from Benadryl since the store did not have Sudafed as an option. Got to love Blood/Chemical Imbalances!
I was kind enough NOT to take any pictures this time ;)