Wednesday, June 19, 2013

O's Two Month Update

Miss Olivia Blake is officially two months old! She is such a joy and her personality is starting to show. I remember mentioning to Daddy the first few weeks after she was born if she would ever wake up in a good mood, not that she doesn't make the most adorable pouty face EVER!! Well in the last week or so, when she wakes up fully rested she just look around her room making little noises occasionally to let us know she is up. We also made the decision last week for Olivia to sleep in her own room instead of ours. I loved having her with in arms reach... Wrapped in my arms is more like it! But she, like her father, is a noisy little sleeper. But unlike her father I could not ignore her grunts just in case she needed me. I was waking her up more than she was waking herself. So she now happily sleeps from 10pm -5am and generally goes back down until 7am.
I made the mistake of mentioning a schedule last update, and I whole heartedly apologize for that one! Jokes on me! But since that moment of ignorance I have noticed, bonded and had the opportunity to understand more of Miss O's cues. Her sleepy cry is so clear to me now, so we just take a stroll to her room for a diapy change, swaddle and while she nurses we read. Which is really quite the feat in itself. The things I do to turn a page, I tell ya! She cat naps throughout the day but she generally goes down around 9am, 3pm and 10pm for good solid sleep. And this routine has worked well with us for naps and bedtime. Once she is done eating and while burping I sing to her, the same song my mother would sing to us which is really special to me. When we started this routine she would wake up 2-3 times after she was put down so I would just go back in and pick her up, rock her while singing and patting her back. It is rare that I can put her down once but we are coming along to only one wake up after about 15 minutes and then she gets in a good sleep. And we all know how important sleep is! Currently Daddy is a little intimidated to put Olivia to bed at night, but we are working on him!

I was able to take Olivia's pictures on time this month!! Yay for the little things!

Baby girl's check-up was on Monday, June 17 (2013). Mommy was of course a ball of nerves. Excited to find out how much this sweet little one had grown and anxious about injections. Her Pediatrician was so happy to see how much Olivia had grown in the past 6 weeks since he had seen her.
2 Month Stats
Weight: 9lbs 5oz (8%)
Length: 23.25 inches (85%)
Head Circum: 40cm (90%)
Diapers: Newborn
Clothing Size: Newborn

Personally I was hoping she was a high 8 in the weight dept. so I was pleasantly surprised to see she busted through 8 and was already 9lbs! So I suppose I should stop squeezing her into newborn clothes. She was fitting them so well too! 0-3 months are hard to find and we have one or two outfits. We have plenty of 3 month clothes but she is currently swimming in them. It will be bittersweet to pack up her newborn clothes, and I am not sure who will have a harder time with it between Mommy and Daddy.

And just for fun... A little comparison of the past two months! It was a coincidence that I happened to place her at approximately the same area on the blanket. Yay me!

Dear Olivia,
You are the sweetest little girl. You brighten our days like we never could have imagined. Your brother loves to walk up and kiss you on your head, is always eager to hold you and makes a point of hunting you down before he goes to bed at night just to wish you sweet dreams. 
Your Daddy adores you. He tries so hard not to wake you in the early hours when he is leaving for work but it is SO hard not to pick you up and give you snuggles while you make sweet little noises in your sleep. And if it is dinner time and you are awake you can bet you are in his arms! I assure him that you don't mind playing in your bouncer, kicking and smiling at us while we talk to you over our meal but he insists! 
You are getting so strong and prefer to sit facing out so you can look around as opposed to being held "like a baby." You have recently discovered your tiny hands and LOVE munching on your sweet little fists. You also have mastered blowing bubbles and I see bibs and spit rags in our future! 
You generally sleep through the night. Going down around 10pm and waking between 5-6am for a snack and going back down until 7-8am. You enjoy listening to books while Mommy rocks and nurses you in your room. Once you are done Mommy sings a sweet song until you fall asleep and tucks you in to your rock and play for a nap or bedtime. 
You are the happiest in the morning after you are finally up for the day. You squeal as you bounce in your bouncer. Kicking and batting at your "fwiends" while we sing songs or listen to music. You don't mind watching Mommy in the kitchen doing dishes or preparing food for the day. And you could care less if Mommy decides to vacuum, it doesn't even wake you if you happen to have fallen asleep.
You are starting to enjoy bath time, the water doesn't bother you and I have even caught you trying to catch drops of water with your tongue! And after your bath you lay so very still while we massage lotion on your scrumptious little limbs. 
Thank you for bringing so much love and happiness into our home. We cherish everyday we have with you little one. I had no idea when we found out you were a girl that I would not only be gaining a daughter but a best friend.

Love Mommy