Thursday, December 6, 2012

19 weeks!

Pregnancy: 19 weeks
Weight Gain: 5lbs GAH! I get that this isn't a big deal overall but the last two weeks I have averaged a 2.5lb gain. Lordy
Sleep: I sleep just fine, when Nicholas isn't stealing the ENTIRE bed!
Gender: Unknown. But we have our big appt tomorrow!!!
Name: Still no name=( Baby no name till birth
Feeling: I have terrible gas pains. Owie! But I am stretching and bending to help with the pressure. But it is so gross. Yuck.
Health: Health is still on the up and up. I am certian I caught a listeria infection a few weeks back, but I will discuss that with my Dr.
Movement: I haven't felt much of anything this past week. Lame.
Belly: Its rather a sad little belly.
Next Appointment:  Tomorrow!! Gender/Anatomy Scan 
The Family: Shane has most recently informed me that he would be ok with a brother or a sister. Maybe he is suspicious...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Clumsily Excited!!!

Good Lord this has been a tricky week full of clean up on my part only. 

Thursday I dropped an entire gallon of milk while walking in from outside in the rain. I thought it survived but there was a crack in the handle and it dribbled milk all the way through my house till it reached its resting spot in the kitchen. Boo. 

Friday I opened the door for a split second and my kind, considerate and obedient Charlotte sprinted out from behind me towards the street! Dang cat. My voice was so hoarse trying to divert her attention. I'm sure my neighbor enjoyed the show but he might be a little upset she didn't actually take the cat out lol.

Saturday I decided to treat myself (way more than I should have, but the damage would have been MUCH worse had morning sickness not caught up with me) in more ways than one, which included a stop at a little Benicia coffee shop for a yummy Royal Special Mocha. Its very well known around these parts that it might just take me a day or three to finish an entire cup of coffee. Which Nicky despises this and I'm pretty sure he thinks I am going to eventually die from "old coffee poisoning." So when I came to my physical limits of shopping yesterday I headed back home. And naturally once there I carried in ALL my bags in one trip while having to pee. But unfortunately the coffee teetering in my grasps didn't quite make the edge of the table I was setting stuff down on and dive bombed the hardwood instead =( Which made the biggest splash for being practically half empty!!

Later Saturday afternoon I was reheating some leftovers and somehow my dish cracked in half in the microwave because the next thing I know I am holding half a plate and Chicken Sec all over my gas range! Holy Cow! That was the craziest of all for sure!

Hopefully today is lacking the entertainment of the past few days. Currently Nicky is drilling away in the Bathroom and will shortly be doing the same in the Living Room hanging shelving I have been dreaming of for months now!! Exciting stuff!!