Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy February 14th!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day full of love and laughter no matter how you chose to spend it!!
My cup overfloweth!! I am so blessed with these boys in my life! Baby O and I are so very lucky to be surrounded by their love, strength and patience!!

This year for Shane's teacher we decided to make her something a little special, that even if she doesn't end up eating, I hope it puts a smile on her face!

And my honey SUPER surprised me with his placement of my treasures!! I was literally standing next to them during my morning routine and NEVER noticed until I went back into my dressing room (the baby's nursery). I woke him up to ask when he sneaked in there to place them on the bed and he actually did it last night! I am so aware of things at 5am!!

We are fairly simple people and flowers are just outrageous this time of year, not that I would reject them if he picked them up for me though! But I did give him a list ;) and on it was Champagne glasses and the movie Tangled. I may have mentioned if he noticed any candy that he thought I would like while he was at Target picking me out a card (I even told him where to go lol;) that he could get that too. I am sure I sound like the most ridiculous person handing my honey a list, but practically 4 years in I know what keeps this house running. And I know he appreciates that more than "surprise me" ha ha.

And tonight Nick BBQ'd while I roasted fingerling potatoes and asparagus and my big guy dipped strawberries in chocolate for a special dessert. I broke out the Champagne glasses for myself and Shane to sip fresca and Nick tried out his new Pilsner glasses. 

Now that dinner is all tucked away we are going to settle in for a movie. Hotel Transylvania here we come!!

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