Monday, February 18, 2013


So yesterday. Sunday. Literally was gorgeous. So gorgeous in fact that while Shane was in the shower I snuck in his room and grabbed the secret stash of shorts (which he would live in even in the depths of winter) and laid out a nice sunny outfit for him to slip into for the day.
They day was laid out. Heading to Napa to run a few errands which included getting my boy a donut from a beloved pink and white bakery and possibly a stop at the barber.
As we headed out before lunch I was stopped dead in my tracks. The back of my car had been pelted with eggs. I was crushed, to say the least. I also was fairly sure I knew where the culprit lived. Next. Door.
As I stood on the stoop of my neighbors house and knocked on the door, I asked to speak with their oldest brother. To my surprise their mother was home. She is never home and in the year they have lived next to us I have never been able to catch eye contact with her long enough for a wave. I apologized for coming over but I had something to discuss with her. Earlier that week my better half's car had been hit by a wondering egg by one of her boys... So I can only assume that someone under her roof had yet again been playing with eggs, more deliberately this time though. Her vacant response from deep inside her house was "Oh" and she walked away.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! I wasn't budging. I asked to speak with their oldest brother. He came out and talked with me about it and set out to figure out which of his younger siblings had done it. Fingers were eventually pointed all the way down to the sixth sibling. The four year old. Honestly? The four year old who just the following day stood on his porch and double flipped of my child while he was quietly "washing" his bike on our lawn. The four year old that was cursing my child out. The four year old, whose mothers' only response was "Oh."
Tears were starting to come.
I had to walk away.
I pulled my car into our driveway and proceeded to wash off the egg, which was partially still "Eggy." Sibling #5 came over with a napkin to wash off the egg. I told him not worry about it that I would take care of it. He stood by my side. I told him that even if he didn't do something, or even if he did, the right thing to do is to let someone know. I can only assume I cried the whole time he stood next to me.

By the time that situation was taken care of and we were off to Napa it was after 11a.m. We took care of a few things, stopping by a closed barber shoppe and then headed to the bakery. Once inside the bakery I held the door open for an elderly gentleman coming in with a cane. This same elderly gentleman stepped right in front of my son who was next in line and proceeded to order every last donut the bakery had left for the day. I kid you not. My poor baby. We left my hands empty, his heart sad.
This is the moment we chose to turn our day around. There isn't anything I can do about the morning, it was done.
We headed home and picked up different treats and enjoyed them at the kitchen table.
We met up with a friend of mine and spent some time in the sun and some more time walking around Target. We played with Easter stuffed animals we were not going to buy. We picked out a small easter treat. Mommy found a newborn pack of swaddlers on clearance 50%!! Then we headed home and made hotdogs.
Looking back at yesterday, I may have not handled myself with the most patience nor the most understanding. I was frustrated. I was tired. But I do hope that I was able to show Shane that we are in control of our feelings and we can chose to turn them around. It takes effort, a lot of effort but it can be done.
My son has such a big heart, he is so kind and so very forgiving. It hurts my heart to see him disappointed. I need to take those moments and stop everything I am doing, even when it is thinking a million things at once, and just hold him. He is growing up so very fast. And although I wish yesterday morning went dramatically different, Yesterday evening was peacefully wonderful.

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