Wednesday, November 28, 2012

18 weeks!

I had ordered a fetal doppler a couple weeks ago and we decided last night would be the night to open that bad boy up and give it a spin! Personally I was a little concerned I would not be able to find the HB which is a constant concern since our last loss. And even with finding "it" I still wasn't convinced that we were not just listening to my own HB. So Nicky made me actually check my HB and it was in fact much slower and perhaps even louder than the little one we found below. Lord I pray everything goes well next week and we hear just what we need to hear the following week from our OB.

Pregnancy: 18 weeks
Weight Gain: 2lbs 8oz
Sleep: I sleep great. I'm actually mildly concerned I am not waking up in the middle of the night to pee =(
Gender: Unknown. I had the feeling for the longest time there was a boy in there but soon we will find out!

Name: None =( Nicky refuses to discuss until he knows what we are having. He doesn't want to get attached to a gender.
Feeling: Most days are just dandy, but there are times I have to catch a wall... Or shopping cart from sciatica. Lord this pain wasn't around until at least 7 months with Shane. I was clutching so hard the other night at Target that I woke up the next day with a sore upper back from bracing myself. Talk about out. of. shape. Oh and of course the lightening bolts shooting out of my vag deserve their own post entirely!

Health: Health is great,  and I am really impressed with my BP numbers at the office. With Shane and even the last pregnancy they were always WAY to high. 

Movement: I'm fairly sure I felt movement over the weekend while laying in bed on my right side. Same spot but when I went to put my hand over the area they ceased =( I didn't think I would be able to "feel" them anyways. But how rude!

Belly: I believe one is finally starting to grow!
Next Appointment: Gender/Anatomy Scan Friday, Dec 7 and OB appt Friday, Dec 14

The Family: Shane and Charlotte still have no idea. Waiting because of previous 2nd trimester loss and to know the gender since Shane WANTS a brother.

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