9 Month Stats
Weight: 20lbs 2oz
Length: 29 inches
Head Circum:
Clothing Size
- Wearing 9 Month or 6-12 Months depending on the brand
- Shoe size 2
- You are not a fan of green veggies, but will tolerate them if they are mixed with something you like. Generally sweet potato, carrots or squash.
- You are eating a fruit with whole milk yogurt or oatmeal in the morning. We keep the oatmeal to just a couple times a week because it seems to "stop you up" and I would prefer not to have two constipated babies.
- You enjoy a combination of two different veggies along side a meat at lunch and dinner.
- After Dinner is finished if you are still hungry I will put you a few snacks on your tray and you will pick them up one by one and munch away!
- Still breastfed, but will take a bottle before naptime and a sippy cup during the day if Mommy is working.
- Naps are at 9:30am and 2pm
- Bedtime starts at 6:30pm
- There have been sporadic wake-ups this Month. But I love any cuddles I can get. Although you are all business at night. Strictly nurse me and put me back in bed please!
- Still sleeping with a white noise machine.
- Waving Hello
- Turning off light switches
- Yelling "MOM"
- Aware of strangers and not liking them one bit
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