Tuesday, May 28, 2013

O's One Month Update

So one glorious month has passed that I have been a mother of two!

You truly is such a laid back baby dispite this photo. Just like when you were a wee little thing in my tummy, you just goes with the flow. You have gone to Shane's basketball games (indoors = loud), you have slept through his church/ending ceremony (very, very loud), slept through endless vacuum sessions either sleeping in your rock and play or wrapped to Mommy's chest. You slept through the night the very eve of your 2 week goodness and continued that trend the following (2) nights after until your Dr's appt where we were (I was) told to force feed you to make you gain weight. So like I said, easy laid back kid.

You actually started to wear big girl clothes towards the end of the month that weren't falling off your tiny booty!

Your One Month Photo Shoot.

Our current routine, or what we have that might resemble one on an average weekday is...

6:00am wake up to nurse, Olivia goes back to sleep while Mommy hops in the shower/get ready for the day.

7:30am wake Shane up to get ready for school.

8:00am nursing session

8:30am get ready to leave the house and take Shane to school. If we need to run any errands and Olivia isn't fussing than we will do them now. Otherwise. They can wait!

9:30am mini nursing session and she goes down for the morning count. This is a pretty hefty nap and if there is anything that needs to get down around the house this is the best time to do so.

Naps from 9:30-10:00am until 1:30-2:30pm and depending on her mood we will play on the floor mat either before or after her morning nap.

2:30pm nursing session

3:00pm leave to pick Shane up from school

5:00pm nursing session

Like most newborns/littles she is fairly fussy around this time of the evening, she will either cluster feed or nap. Currently she is napping. Daddy tends to hold her, especially while we are eating dinner. He just can't get enough!

8:00pm nursing session

10:00-11:00pm Final nursing session then Mommy heads to bed.

3:00am nursing session and than the day starts over again.

We have been co-sleeping this first month despite having the bassinet at arms reach because she just sleeps better/longer in Mommy's arms. And sleep is VERY important.

Nursing. All. The. Time.
Having your back patted, not to be confused with rubbed. 
John Mayer.
Being swaddled after you fall asleep.
Your play mat at short intervals.

Changing your clothes, diapers and bathes. Basically anything that might leave you cold.
Being swaddled while awake.
Sleeping flat. No crib. No bassinet. 
Being in your carseat if the car is not moving. Boring. 
Tummy time on the floor.

7lbs even 
19.5 inches 
Clothing size: newborn
Diapers: newborn 

Ok Picture time!! Our first Month together!!

The first time I finally got to hold you!
Sweet baby snuggles, less than 24 hours old.
Practicing our baby wearing technique.
Is that a smile little one? 
You were a messy nurser! That would be breast milk on my shirt.
Your puppy loves you!! And you are much too small for your bouncer.

Snuggles with Daddy.
Heading out to brother's basketball game for the first time.
At brother's basketball game.
My precious one.

Umbilical cord came off 04/28/13
First big girl bath... Not a fan of the cold air :(
You cling for dear life while sleeping.
You always have your sweet little ankles crosses while nursing.
2 week check-up with Dr O
Poor thing got a little case of baby acne.
That time Daddy changed you but didn't want your diaper on too tight.
Hi pretty girl.
Happy Mother's Day 2013
Happy Mother's Day 2013

I love you baby girl. I live for your smiles and can't get enough of your sweet baby smell. We are absolutely smitten with you.

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