Sunday, January 27, 2013

Menu Sunday

Sunday: Lasagna w/ a small salad

Monday: Blueberry Pancakes. The big isn't going to be to happy about this so his may be without.

Tuesday: Chicken Enchiladas

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Pulled Pork Sandwiches. Attempting homemade buns.

Friday: SURPRISE!!!

Saturday: Chicken Breasts stuffed with Spinach and Cheese

Saturday, January 26, 2013

This weeks purchases for the little.

Since I have been pregnant this go around I have caught myself doing something completely obnoxious... Looking at prices!!!!
If it isn't what I would consider to be a great price or if I consider it now or never than I just can't bring myself to carry it all the way to check out.
We have items that have been purchased or gifted to us sitting in her room currently but I just wanted to keep some sort of tab on what I have purchased recently and hopefully from here on out.

So I was out with the big at Target earlier this week and popped over to the baby section browsing their clearance section and found this! Tommee Tippee is the brand of bottles I have had my eye on and practically jumped at this (basically) 75% off bargain for the diaper bag!

I received an email from Baby's R Us this week with coupons, most of which I couldn't use because it wasn't something we needed and or the item I would have preferred was excluded. BUT one coupon in particular stood out. 20% off double breast pumps. PERFECT! First of all the pump was the same price at BRU as it was on Amazon/Online and secondly if we put this item on a registry it would merely be to get the 10% off at the end to purchase items that were still un-purchased. So 20% was enticing.
I was also fortunate enough to be able to purchase the Snoogle with a 20% off as well (they have SO MANY exclusions on those dang coupons)

And finally today while I was out with the SIL we popped into Once Upon a Child just to see what they had. Holy. Cow. I can't believe how much they ask for some most of their items. But anyways I just had to pick this little guy up for my little monster!!

Happy Shopping!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

26 Weeks!

Pregnancy: 26 weeks. Appt this morning. Glucose test as well as a Tdap. The lowest BP we got today was 129/87 which is not good enough lol. I tried...

Weight Gain: Some how I lost 9ozs this week with a total gain at 26 weeks of 8.3lbs

Sleep: Just fine with my new friend the "Snoogle"

Gender: It's A Girl!

Name: Something perfect!

Feelings: I am so excited to see her sweet face!!! But with that being said I don't want her to come for 14 more weeks.

Health: I am motivated to be more active... Since I had to admit that I am not at all (basically) at my appt today.

Movement: At our appt today she was transverse. So good to know she has plenty of room to hangout sideways and it makes total sense that I feel those sweet little kicks on my right side. 

Belly: 25cm and right on track per Dr.

Nursery: I am so close to ordering fabric!! I need to get measurements so I don't go to crazy.

Next Appt: At 32 weeks. I will also be starting NST (Non-Stress Tests) at that point due to my BP issues. 

Family News:

Monday, January 21, 2013

Super proud!!

Two days in a row!!! I have prepared dinner, cleaned up the whole kitchen, made sure everyones lunches were in the fridge and put together, laid out clothes for the next day and got everything out of my room that I would need in the morning (I wake up much earlier than Nicky)!! Today I even prepped veggies for the Fajitas we are having on Thursday while I was chopping veggies for our dinner tonight!

I don't think I have EVER been on a roll this long!!! Which is also a little sad! But it has come to my direct attention that it is probably the only way I will survive heading out the door each morning this fall with one very special extra little one!!

I also am super stoked about a planner I ordered!! As much as I use my smart phone to help me wake up, balance the books, zone out and stay in touch, there is something therapeutic to me about writing things down. I think it really helps my struggle with Short-term Memory Loss, that and a touch of ADHD!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Menu Sunday

Sunday: Meatloaf - Our bread maker has a meatloaf function... How funny is that? So why not try it out! Along with the standard green beans, whole wheat garlic bread and fruit.

Monday: Brinner...? Brenner? Breakfast for dinner. The plan is eggs, perhaps a mini frittata at least for this Mama, potatoes and monkey bread. Just so we are all aware I was just trying to find a way to have monkey bread.

Tuesday: Risotto. Chicken and asparagus. Freezer meal.

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: BBQ - We bought a Mojito Lime marinade that we decided sounds perfect for Chicken! So perhaps we will make fajitas with it?

Friday: Pizza - Having a big kid play date full of tin cans, bulls-eyes and air soft.

Saturday: SURPRISE!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Sweet Relief

Anxiety has been building up. Slowly. But surely.
Who is going to care for this sweet little one while this Mommy works.
First avenue for childcare stopped abruptly once I found out that Mondays would be out of the picture. That won't work.
Second avenue stopped once age was brought into the picture. 1 year olds preferred but possibly once she is 10 months. Boo.
Third... is a charm? At this moment it has the most possibility. Our part time schedule would work, we only need three days during the week. They take infants as young as 6 weeks, our precious angel will a few months old when services are actually needed. And they charge a daily rate that I feel is reasonable. We have arranged to have a meet and greet towards the end of next month and at that time if we all feel comfortable we can discuss the possibility of saving a spot. 
And after waking up to an amazing dream all about this little one, which I tried so very hard to fall back into that dream. It all feels so much more real. Less than 15 more weeks! Sounds so much closer than 101 days.

Menu Sunday (I totally forgot to post this lol)

Since I have had a weekly menu hanging on one of my kitchen walls for many, many... Many months that hasn't changed or been updated in any way. Even N mentioned it over dinner the other night. I decided it might be convenient to get back in the habit. Its helpful no doubt and I am currently trying to shop from our freezers for dinner ideas, we just have so much food that we already own that we are not eating. So I printed a menu out and am ready to go!

Sunday: Pizza - I am excited about this one because I will be making the pizza dough in our bread maker and be using up some grilled chicken (for me at least) and some of Shane's favorite pepperoni from Napa Valley Olive Oil Comp. Fingers crossed!

Monday: Soup and biscuits - I bought a few cans of pillsbury biscuits for quick and easy biscuits and gravy for Christmas morning but decided not to make them.

Tuesday: Burritos - in the freezer.

Wednesday: Left Overs - I'm sure this is the boys favorite night of the week lol!

Thursday: Pasta - because its a staple in this house and so very quick and easy.

Friday: BBQ and Brownies - I'll let N decide what he wants to BBQ for this one. It's his day off so its easy enough to run out and pick something up to throw on the grill incase he doesn't feel like chicken. And I got my eye on making a batch of espresso fudge brownies!

Saturday: SURPRISE!!

24 weeks! (late whoops!)

Pregnancy: 24 Weeks! Due 04/30/13

Weight Gain: 9lbs even going into my 25 week.

Sleep: This week as been a little restless. I seem to find something to wake me up around 2am and I lay awake for hours... falling back to sleep moments before my alarm!! Which results in a very sleepy girl around 2pm.

Gender: Still under the impression that this sweet baby is a girl. 

Name: Something amazingly perfect I am sure of it!!

Feelings: I had the most amazing dream last night! I dreampt I brought you home from the hospital and you were as tiny as can be! I also remember that I never filled out any paperwork, birth certificate information and no one but Daddy and I knew your name lol. I also recall you had long blonde hair (down to your shoulders) and dark roots, apparently we both need a touch-up ;)

Health: I'm dealing with some constant reflux type tendencies, yum! As well as gas (ouch) and indigestion.

Movement: You are getting so strong!! Daddy had the pleasure of feeling just how amazingly forceful you can be when something pushes against you! That's my girl!

Belly: The comments about how small I am compared to what other people think I should be are still floating around. But that's fine, as long as they aren't trying to rub me and make a wish they can keep yapping their jaws. I do happen to think I am showing more with this little one than her older brother.

Nursery: I am totally ready to dive into this little project, but I am cooling my heels until our next appt.

Next Appt: 01/25/13 

Family News: Daddy has been spending long daylight hours on his day off trimming trees and clearing the backyard. It was announced last night that there are plans in the works to built a wooden fort ( playhouse to girly sounding?) in the backyard! How exciting for them lol, I hope the boys love it more than the spiders... EW.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Felt Garland

I had been planning for us to have some crafting fun next weekend, but do to a welcomed change in plans we had time this weekend to head out to the local craft store in search of supplies.
But first a plan! I logged on to pinterest in search of Valentine's craft ideas and of course was overwhelmed. After narrowing down my wants and needs for these projects, being inexpensive, cheery and (for the most part) kid friendly... We headed out.
The first project we decided to tackle involved felt. A cheery felt heart garland to grace our hanging shelves seemed like the perfect touch to warm up our holiday naked living room!

The most difficult part of this project was when I thought my machine was broken because I probably haven't used it in a year and forgot that I needed to thread the top before it would pick up the bobbin. Whoops!

After I had hung up the finished garland I felt it looked a little lonely so I used some of my scrap pieces to cut out letters for a single sweet little word to hang above.

Although this was very easy and extremely cheap, this craft did not interest my big guy who shortly in asked if he could go play with his buddies outside. But I tried and hopefully the next projects will follow shortly!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Been up since 4am... Ouch
Tossed and turned
Checked Instagram
Checked Facebook
Looked up a photographer (who had a couple mutual friends)
Phone to slow to upload photographers personal site
Rolled over and cuddled N for a min
Rolled back over because Baby was kicking Daddy
Thought about FOOD
It's now 5am
Got up
Made eggs (scrambled with No Salt seasoning, feta and tomatoes)
Toasted 1/2 slice of bread
Grabbed Char because she is crying that Mommy is up and she is still in our room
Fed her... First
Sat down to eat, watch RHOA, write out grocery list for when the sun comes up and son wakes up
Thinking about lemon blueberries rolls (in the fridge) and powdered sugar baby donuts (at store)

I have high hopes for making a cranberry orange cornbread later. Love me some cornbread!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gestational Diabetes.

Although I would assume that I am not going to have to deal with this particular issue during this, or any of my pregnancies, I did receive an email/newsletter that opened my eyes to one thing. Carbs. They make up practically all of my meals and most of my ideal snacks. Boo.
If I haven't mentioned it before I LOVE I originally joined this site for the help she offers when dealing with ideal items to put on a baby registry. But as a bonus she sends out weekly emails! This weeks email was dedicated to week 24 and GD. Touching not only on some predetermining factors as well as the surprise diagnosis, but also on how the amount of carbs (which are basically sugars) can affect your diet. And by diet I merely mean what we pack into our meals as well as our mouths.
My favorite part of any new bit of information are examples!! So she was kind enough to offer a few for each meal options which I will kindly copy and paste right here for easier reference for myself!

-- Good old-fashioned bacon and eggs, hold the toast!
-- Greek yogurt (full fat!) topped with nuts and fruit
-- Frittata or crustless quiche
-- Fresh fruit covered in whipped cream (like, real whipped cream, not the sugary crap that squirts out of a can).
-- A burrito, hold the rice!
-- A hearty salad (chef salad, Nicoise, etc..)
-- If you must get a sandwich, take off the top piece of bread and go open-face
-- A hamburger (hold the bun) and a salad
-- Minestrone Soup
-- Chicken Parm (use whole wheat pasta) 
-- Chicken Cacciatore
-- Mustard-Crusted Salmon

Courtesy of

I am already a HUGE fan of greek yogurt and berries but sadly "its so hard for me to imagine eating eggs without toast" Said this little piggy =)

I am going to attempt to go carblite during the weekdays and see how that works out for me.

Currently wishing fresh, hot, homemade bread wasn't so tempting...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

23 Weeks!

Photo to come!

Pregnancy: 23 Weeks! (2nd Trimester, 5 Months)

Weight Gain: As of 12/29/12 I was at a 8.3lb gain.

Sleep: Sleep is starting to get a little uncomfortable. I definitely can not move around as freely as once before. I am not sure if a longer pillow would help at this point or not because it is her constant movement at night that wakes me up. Perhaps if her Daddy would sleep with his hand on my tummy I could get some rest since that seems to be the only time she holds still, poor Daddy ;)

Gender: Well Dr J is under the impression that you are in fact a little girl, but he said that we can check again at the next appt! So I will hold him to that just so I can see you again!

Name: Surprisingly enough your Daddy actually said he liked a name! So we shall very soon see!

Feelings: Perhaps I am experiencing sporadic bursts of energy that result in days after of resting. How lame is that! This baby must be laying very low because a large amount of her movement is very uncomfortable. I have tried to start walking again, but baby steps with that.

Health: I am being monitored now for Hypertension, which reared its ugly head towards the end of your brother's time in my tummy.

Movement: Shake, shake, shake! Shake your booty!! You may very well be like your older brother a lover of all things loud and music! That or you would like me to play bejeweled on silent lol.

Belly: Slowly for surely! It also depends on the time of day and were you are laying.

Nursery: I am SO very excited for this! I have fallen in love with several coordinating patterns! Now to order the fabric!

Next Appt: Jan 25, 2013! Glucose test and mini ultrasound.

Family News: Our East Coast family has all been flown home now and now its getting our little house back into tip top shape thanks to a recent daily download for cleaning and de cluttering.

Happy New Year It's 2013!!!

Officially 23 weeks, which means nothing to people who ask how far along we are! So in layman's terms we are in the 5 month range!

I am feeling so blessed right now for so very many reasons. This time last year we were mourning the loss of our 13 week little one. We thought we were in the clear and felt comfortable to announce to our family and friends but more importantly to the new Big Brother! But sadly the following week we learned that our little one's heart had stopped beating. I am not sure if miscarrying would have been easier for me since that never happened. But I do remember walking around with this sweet little being inside of me hoping that somehow the Dr's and tech's were wrong. Woman can be so internal with their deepest, truest feelings that we don't have words for what we are feeling and what we have gone through but I hope that me speaking clearly about something that happens, that no one talks about except with others it has happened to, that it will help someone not feel so alone. And I hope that it is not assumed that I am caught up in the past, but when you are so over the moon about something and it is ripped away from you, it is a little hard to just forget and move on. And as a mother, we will never stop worrying. We worry about our babies from the moment they are conceived. The moment they arrive in this world, the first day we go back to work (if that is our role), the first day of school, sleepovers, dances, dates, outings. It's a wonder the few hairs left on my head are not grey! So hoping or asking a mother NOT to worry is rather comical to me.
And although those feelings of worry and loss will always be with me, as well as every Mommy that has an extra angel in heaven, I am so blessed to be in the position that I am. To have one child learning so very much continually everyday. With a hunger for good and the occasional distraction for... Being naughty ;) And this little one who is growing and kicking and stretching and continually has the hiccups! I am so blessed with the kindest man who puts up with my random "projects" and "tangents" and the sweetest puppy who keeps me safe and protected from neighborhood cats!

So here's to 2013! Toasting with sparkling apple cider but dreaming of martini's and champagne!