I technically did not go out shopping this year, mainly because S is the one who really gets into it and he was away. But I did go out about 9am Friday morning and grab a few items kid-free at Target, Toys-r-Us, Best Buy and Pier 1! Oh Pier 1 how I love thee.
This year I decided to start a different tradition for our little family. Christmas Jammies, as in years past is a MUST, but I just wasn't feeling the Christmas Eve opening and wearing of said jammies. With Christmas Eve being such a packed day and night with Nicky's birthday and collecting S from his father's all to rush home and open... The jams. I wanted more for these jams. I wanted a life of more fulfillment for them. So with the winds of change, come new traditions. So instead of the ceremoniously opening on Christmas Eve, I have decided that there will be a box that Rick James (RJ our elf;) will bring that will contain all the necessities for a fabulously appropriate kickoff to this cozy, snuggly season. Included will be the infamous jams, hot cocoa/cider, popcorn and a collection of Christmas movies. As the years progress there may be more movies added but I intend for many to stay the same. Currently it is a collection of those fabulous old school Frosty, Rudolph, Kris Kringle and a little drummer boy!
And going along with traditions I had fully intended RJ to bring the coveted Lego Advent calendar
But unfortunately while S was being a good little elf and helping Mommy carry presents to the car for delivery to friends out of town he happened to see it! Sitting on the guest bed. Boo. So he will just get to begin opening it starting Dec 1st. But he has asked if we were getting those sad chocolate advent calendars this year which this Mom had NO intention of buying. So maybe RJ will bring something soon after all.
On the gift front, let me just point out that older kids are VERY difficult. I can shop all day for the littles, but this one as a list two items long. How am I suppose to chop that up between myself and family members? He has kindly added "Legos are cool" to this list as of recently so that helps slightly, thanks kid.
This would be the item that he speaks most about, generally under his breath while he is "forced" to play the later model. Goofy kid. And I am not sure if this was a known fact but in our home, Santa does not "do" electronics ;)
Well I suppose I have procrastinated enough and should really get my Cinderella on and do something about this dusty house. Have a beautiful day!