7 Month Stats
Weight: 18lbs
Length: 27 inches
Head Circum: n/a
Diapers: Size 3
Clothing Size: Some 6 month onsies and shirts, 9 month jammies and pants
Happy Halloweenie Practice Day!!
You and your tiny dancing feet!! I could stare at them all day... Or eat them!
You were never a fan of the pacifier, but since you are getting so good with your hands it is the perfect little toy to play. To pick up, munch on and drop.
Peas!!! Yay!! Clearly you love your green (bitter) vegetables. I have no clue why these tasted so bitter, as I taste all your food, but we will have to make these on our own.
Recreating a picture I took with you when you were just a wee few week old thing!
You were so unsure why I was not holding you and you were surrounded. You poor sweet thing, you tried so very hard to be brave. But after some loves and snuggles and repositioning you gave me a sneaky little smile while sitting with your Eliza and Penny.
We went to Children's Wonderland and you just loved to pet the grass, touching one blade at a time and play in the swings.
There was never a Birthday for Mommy as special as this year. To be able to celebrate it with my two wonderful children was joy. The only thing I wanted to do was to take my sweet babies to the Pumpkin Patch.
So many sights to see! And to think next year you will be running around the patch like crazy having to see all the things!!!
Brother and Sissy Pumpkins. Brother had the bigger one and really enjoyed carving his pumpkin this year (just not the icky innards) it was a challenge convincing him to put the carver down or his pumpkin would likely fall apart from all the new holes.
Your very first Halloween was very successful. Aunty Venus came with us dressed as Superman. And your brother zipped in and out of crowds like a shadow in the night all dressed in black. And Mommy learned never to have any of her children wear all black at night :)
Baby's first piggies! Your hair is so long in the back that I just had to give it a try. And you have the hardest head. I could hardly believe how all the tugging and pulling never seemed to phase you (tv or not tv).
Bundled up play date today. Heading out for a walk but you and Penny just needed a minute for a friendly stare down.
Sometimes I just can not help myself!!
Slowly realizing you are out growing some things! Silly girl, you are getting so strong at sitting up on your own these days!!
First outing to Ikea. You did great in the car! And were a big help to brother, who was picking out some bedding for his Birthday.
Your first visit to the Library. You were still getting used to the idea of your stroller. You were not a fan of only seeing strangers because Mommy was out of sight behind you (pushing).
Roasted sweet potato, parsnip and carrots.
Your Daddy is so good and sends me tons of pictures and videos of you while I am at work. I just can't get enough of how adorable all of your facial expressions are.
Mommy-Livvie Twinsies!!