Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Birthday America!!

The 4th of July has always meant family celebrating together in my book. My parents would throw a great party full of friends, laughter and food!
I had mentioned to Nick this year since he was off what he thought about a BBQ. He agreed and the invites were sent! 
Olivia and I decided to get all festive this year in our Red, Whites and Blues. 
Can we just have a moment of silence for newborn clothes with pockets...  

Unfortunately the majority of my family lives on the East Coast but we were so happy that Nick's brother and sister were able to come over and the kids could all celebrate together. 
I have been wanting to get a picture of all the Biederman baby girls together and I snatched that moment up the second the were all in the same room! 
And the day wouldn't be complete without my little loves. 

I spent the night before preparing as much as possible. And after Nick fired up the grill there was quite the spread! 
And when we weren't eating we were cooling off in the pool! 

By the end of the night big brother ditched us for his friends... They grow up so fast. So we took little sister to watch some fireworks. Surprisingly enough she watched them the entire time!! 

To the land of the free and the home of the brave!!
Happy Birthday America

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2.5 Months :(

2.5 Months old. 2.5 Months until I go back to work. I am disliking 2.5 very much.
It's hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that I had already been back to work for 1 month by this time when Shaner was a babe. Crazy. I could gush on and on about the place I am at at this moment in time. So incredibly blessed. Thank you Lord.

So this crazy 'woman' baby of mine LOVES to sit facing out towards the world on my hip. There is so much to see and her eyes just are not big enough.

In the past week she has realized that she can reach things. She has batted at the koala on her playmat and the giraffe on her bouncer. Daddy even claims that she grabbed at the giraffe and held on...
I tried so hard to get a video of her on her playmat and as luck should have it (and I have NEVER had my name/number picked in any type of drawing) she stopped as soon as I hit record. But I sent it out anyways.

She takes two peaceful naps in the morning. An hour and a half once she wakes and an hour and a half after that. Then the LONG evening begins. The afternoon nap is far more difficult for her. BUT she continues to sleep through the night! My boobs are killing me by 5am and I can't even sleep on my side... Seriously ouch. But she sleeps 7-9 hours straight.

2.5 months.